Saturday, March 3, 2007

Sophia's Soapbox

Over the year's I've kept way too many online journals. It started with my personal website, then it migrated to a forum journal and then it multiplied into multiple accounts across the various internet blog sites. I hope to attempt to keep this one updated, at the very least I'll keep posting my weekly column articles from the Pioneer.

All comments, feedback are welcome. Depending on the activity, I may post follow up articles here.

A brief history about me and the Pioneer: I saw an email go out saying they needed an editorial writer so I emailed back and here I am. My column the "Soapbox" means more than just a regular soapbox. My nickname also happens to be soaps or soapy, short for soapymoose which came about in 5th grade. To this day, I still use soapy as an alias for many of the sites that I visit. So that's a little history about how I got here and how I came up with the name. I'm sure that knowing this little bit of info will allow you sleep better at night now ;)

I do have a personal blog set up under this profile, another way to access it is to go to

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